Medical Issues
New & Noteworthy
HIV Clinical Cases Library
contains original patient case studies describing clinical observations related to HIV care and treatment in resource-limited settings. Updated October 2006.
Antiretroviral Drug Profiles S. Coffey, MD, and L. Peiperl, MD, Recently updated: Darunavir, Tipranavir, Enfuvirtide, and Fosamprenavir.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2006 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, MMWR 2006;55(RR11):1-94. (Corrected September 8, 2006).
The Role of Part D for People With HIV/AIDS: Coverage and Cost of Antiretrovirals Under Medicare Drug Plans Kaiser Family Foundation, August 3, 2006. This report looks at the coverage and cost of antiretroviral drugs under the new private, stand-alone Medicare drug plans.
Neuropathy in the Era of HAART Cheryl Jay, MD, an HIV/AIDS Grand Rounds presentation on April 12, 2006. In partnership with San Francisco General Hospital’s Positive Health Program, grand rounds featuring leading UCSF experts. Listen to audio with accompanying slide presentations on topics including AIDS malignancies, HIV clinical pharmacology, and clinical case studies.
Clinical Manual for Management of the HIV-Infected Adult This 2006 edition is the collaborative effort of clinical faculty associated with the AIDS Education and Training Centers. Originally conceived to address the needs of nurse practitioners and physicians assistants, the new edition broadens the scope to recognize a wider range of providers who use this information.
FDA Approval for Atripla (Efavirenz/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Fixed-Dose Combination) approved July 2006.
ARV Alert 7/5/06 Tipranavir Associated with Intracranial Hemorrhage.
FDA Approval of Darunavir (Prezista) New protease inhibitor from Tibotec approved June 2006.
Darunavir profile Susa Coffey 8/9/06.
Syphilis and HIV Christopher S. Hall, MD, MS, and Gail Bolan, MD, June 2006. Updated HIV InSite Knowledge Base chapter.
Changing Antiretroviral Therapy: Why, When, and How Timothy Wilkin, MD, MPH, Marshall Glesby, MD, PhD, and Roy M. Gulick, MD, MPH, June 2006. Updated HIV InSite Knowledge Base chapter.