About HIV InSite
HIV InSite is developed by the Center for HIV Information (CHI) at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), one of the world’s leading health sciences institutions. Within UCSF, HIV InSite is produced in collaboration with the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, the Positive Health Program at San Francisco General Hospital and the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, components of the University’s AIDS Research Institute.
Launched in March 1997, HIV InSite’s mission is to be a source for comprehensive, in-depth HIV/AIDS information and knowledge. The site has an extensive collection of original material, including the HIV InSite Knowledge Base, a complete textbook with extensive references and related links organized by topic. Unlike many commercially oriented sites, HIV InSite’s policy is to link to the best of the Web, and thousands of links to external Web sites are incorporated into the site’s original content. It is the policy of HIV InSite to allow free, anonymous access to all of the site’s content.
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